Term Life Insurance

Term Life Insurance
You choose the death benefit (i.e., $200,000, $1 Million, etc.) you want paid to your beneficiary(ies) upon your death. You also choose how long you want this coverage to be in effect (i.e., 10, 20, 30 years, etc.). Cost effective way to get the coverage needed for a low, level premium that will not increase within the term.

Key Person Insurance
AKA Key Man/ Woman Insurance, Key Employee and Business Life Insurance… this is a life insurance policy your company purchases on the life of the owner, a top executive, or another individual considered indispensable to your business. The company pays the policy premium and is the beneficiary of the death benefit.

Buy-Sell Insurance
Buy-Sell Agreements, used in business succession planning are designed to contractually predetermine both a buyer and a value for your business prior to the death of an Owner. Term Life is commonly used to fund these agreements. The death benefit is paid to the “buyer” for the sole purpose of purchasing the business.